Make Your Website Do What It’s Supposed to Do

Need more volunteers? Donations lagging? Not getting enough website traffic? Whether you’re a non-profit or a for-profit business, you want your website to work.

But how do you do it? Especially with all your time being used up by the reason you started your non-profit — helping people. Who wants to waste time tinkering with a website when they’d rather be working with the kids, getting the wells dug, or delivering medical supplies to a war zone?

That’s why you need a ProActive Website Diagnosis. In less than a week — and for less than $1000* — you can be armed with specific recommendations that make your website a positive experience for your visitors, and a source of ever-increasing donations and subscribers for you.

A ProActive Website Diagnosis is the “Get Well Soon” card for websites. In just a few days time, your site will get a complete diagnosis, specifically focusing on these common — but often overlooked — problem areas:

  • Web Page Effectiveness — Each page of a website is like one part of the body. They all have a role to play. Enhance the effectiveness of each page of your site with my Page-by-Page Assessment. This part of the ProActive Website Diagnosis can be done for your whole site, or, if you’re on a tight budget, just one or two key pages.
  • Website Architecture — 3-5 seconds. That’s how long you have to keep reader attention online. Visitors have to understand intuitively how your site works almost instantly, or they’ll go somewhere else. In this portion of the Diagnosis, you receive an industry-standard assessment of your site’s ‘skeleton and muscles’. Without a healthy skeleton, the website doesn’t move.
  • SEO – Search Engine Optimization is the key to driving traffic to a website. The ProActive Website Diagnosis examines the nuts and bolts of your pages, and recommends specific ways to enhance it. SEO is the vitamin your site needs to take to stay healthy.

What You Get In the Diagnosis Report

The final report is a comprehensive and lengthy document that analyzes your site and makes many recommendations you can start implementing immediately.

In addition to discussing your site’s purpose and goals, you receive:

  1. A 35-point Usability Checklist – learn how visitors interact with your site
  2. A 24-point Content Effectiveness Checklist – learn how visitors react to your content
  3. Screenshots of your site and comparable sites
  4. A page-by-page assessment of all your main pages
  5. SEO analysis, and steps you can take to increase site traffic
  6. Specific, practical recommendations that you can implement to improve your site

No matter how nice the graphic design, ineffective content will ruin your website’s effectiveness. The ProActive Diagnosis identifies the problem and provides the remedy.

The Most Cost-Effective Website Consultation and Evaluation

Just like the body needs strong muscles, working parts, and a daily supplement, a good website needs the same attention, or it will get sick and ineffective. Visitors don’t like ineffective websites. They may not smell bad, but they don’t provide what the visitor came looking for.

The ProActive Website Diagnosis is the answer. Keep readers on your site. Keep them interested. Keep them informed. Convert them into supporters and donors.

Give yourself a blueprint for improving your site in all major aspects.

Contact me if you are unhappy with some aspect of your website.

*The actual cost of the Website Diagnosis depends on the size of your website. A large-site diagnosis is just $960. Smaller sites pay even less, but the amount depends on several factors.

(Ask today about the nonprofit discount!)